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Huntington Beach City School District

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Substitute Teachers


  • Credentials/permits should be renewed at least two months in advance of the expiration date. All renewals of credentials and/or permits must be completed online on the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Website.
  • If there is a lapse in your credential/permit, Aesop will notify you, and you will be unable to substitute teach until we are notified by you that the credential/permit has been renewed and is visible on the CTC (Commission on Teacher Credentialing) website.  Additionally, the system will not allow you to accept or to be pre-arranged for an assignment beyond the date your credential expires.  Also, please keep our office informed of any changes in your status (i.e. name change, address, phone number) as they occur throughout the year.
  • It is imperative that you report to your assignment 30 minutes prior to the start time shown on the enclosed schedule.  (AESOP will state the time you are to report.)  You are to remain on campus until all students are dismissed unless you are on an hourly assignment.

How To Become A Substitute Teacher With the Orange County Department of Education


Candidates may apply for a substitute teaching position with HBCSD through edjoin


For additional questions, please contact Samantha Burbidge, | 714-378-2024