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Huntington Beach City School District

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Health Services

The Governing Board recognizes the importance of nurturing each child’s optimal physical and mental health and safety as a foundation for achieving growth and life-long success.

Our Health Services Staff are a dedicated group of nursing, health clerk, and other professionals who strive to improve the health and well being of children and their families. This is done through early detection, correction, and prevention of various health conditions to provide an optimal learning environment for student growth and achievement.

Contact Us

Kathi Homer, District Nurse
714-378-2037 |

Carol Deemer, Student Services Assistant
714-378-2035 | 714-374-6942 Fax


The Board requires all students to be immunized against certain diseases in accordance with state law, unless specifically exempt for medical reasons.

California Senate Bill 277 amends the Health and Safety Code to limit exemptions from immunizations to medical reasons only.  Exemptions for religious and personal beliefs are no longer available beginning January 1, 2016.  A child may be exempted from immunizations only for medical conditions or circumstances that a physician determines would cause immunizations to be unsafe for that child.  A parent or guardian may file a written statement by a licensed physician indicating the specific nature of the medical condition and the probable duration of the medical condition or circumstances for which the physician does not recommend immunization.

Students who have a personal belief exemption on file prior to January 1, 2016, will be required to be immunized when the student enrolls in the next grade span.  Grade spans are defined as birth to preschool, Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten to grade 6, and grades 7 through 12.

For additional information regarding immunizations please visit: 


Medications may be administered during school hours upon written request of the parent and written order by the child’s physician. Parents may contact their school office for appropriate forms and further information. Please see the "Over the Counter Products Authorization Form" below.

Emergency Contact Information

Parents are requested to keep emergency information up-to-date at their child’s school, including home address and telephone number of parent, and the name, address, and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the child in an emergency if the parent cannot be reached.

Voluntary Student Health Insurance

Your school is dedicated to ensuring a safe environment for its students. However, accidents
can still occur, and the necessary medical treatment (such as ambulance transport, surgery,
hospitalization, etc.) can be costly.
The Huntington Beach City School District does not carry medical or dental insurance for students injured on school premises, under school jurisdiction, or while participating in school district activities. For these reasons, the District has arranged a student accident insurance program for your review and consideration. This insurance program is optional and complies with the California Education Code, which permits the distribution of necessary information from the company providing the coverage.

The application process is completed online and will allow parents to safely and securely transmit applications through one of the following methods: Direct Online Submission: At, you can complete your Student Accident Insurance application directly on their website.

Bicycle Safety

The Board approves the use of bicycles by students in grade three and above provided they have been properly licensed. Students riding bicycles to and from school or any school-sponsored activity are required to wear helmets. When students choose to ride bicycles to and from school, they are considered responsible for the care of the property, the observation of safety rules, and for the proper display of courtesy and consideration toward others.


The Assistance League of Huntington Beach provides dental care for children who qualify for free services. Interested parents may contact their school’s health aide.