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Huntington Beach City School District

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future


The Preschool Academy has an open door policy and parents/guardians are welcome to visit their children in our facilities any time they wish. To visit during program hours parents/guardians need to first confirm their attendance with their student's teacher(s).  Once at the school site, parents/guardians need to stop at the front office with their photo ID to obtain visitor pass. We do ask those who plan to visit their children frequently to follow the classroom routine, to avoid disturbing classroom schedules and activities.  If you wish to meet with the Preschool Academy Instructor or Preschool Academy Supervisor/Director or Principal, please make an appointment so arrangements can be made. Please review the Volunteer Guidelines linked below for more information. 

We believe the tools children learn with their families and at the Preschool Academy are life-long skills.  These are the foundational building blocks that assist children with the ability to enjoy learning, be creative thinkers, strengthen their social skills and help them to feel safe, cared for and confident.

All volunteers must have a current TB test on file in the school office and must complete the Volunteer Form found below.  

The TB test must be current from within the last 60 days.  Volunteers who test negative will then be required to submit update TB test information every four years.  Please see the link below for local facilities for TB testing.

Volunteers will also be asked to submit proof of immunizations for measles and pertussis, as regulated by Community Care Licensing and State of California as of September 1st, 2016.  Please contact us at for more information.